Reading Benjamin 2013/2014

Building on last year's successful 'Lacan Read(s) Across the Disciplines', this year the Quilting Points Reading group will focus  on the work of the German philosopher and critical theorist Walter Benjamin.
The focus for readings in the first semester will be History, Time and the Messianic and the second, the theme of Violence.

Each meeting will be introduced by a member of the group; the work of the reading group will be punctuated by four seminar papers presented by leading scholars from around the United Kingdom.

The aim  of this group will be to allow staff and research students across  the Faculty to deepen their engagement with the primary and  secondary texts with the benefit of different disciplinary expertise   both within the university, and by inviting experts for other   universities to present one-off seminar introductions. It is also hoped that the reading group will bridge research interests of the  newly formed Northern Critical Theory School with those of postgraduate students.


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