Quilting Points Symposium: ‘Racial Capitalism and Cultural Resistance’ - 1st May 2024

 Quilting Points are pleased to announce a symposium on the theme of ‘Racial Capitalism and Cultural Resistance’, inspired by our year-long consideration of the work of Cedric Robinson. 

All are welcome to join a group of international researchers for a day of interdisciplinary papers, concluded by a keynote address from Dr. Dhanveer Singh Brar. Please find the full schedule below.

There is no registration fee, we welcome people to drop-in on the day, and refreshments will be provided. 

Any questions, queries or accessibility concerns please email quiltingpoints@gmail.com

Location: (Room LT 1.28, First Floor, Liberty Building (Moot Court), Belle Vue Road, Leeds. LS2 9JT - https://maps.app.goo.gl/LbH9q7nj2mBjyXScA - https://what3words.com/busy.debit.shows)

Go through the main entrance and go straight ahead through two sets of double doors up to level one. The Moot Court LT is on your right.

Accessibility information: Entry is via the front of the lecture theatre where there is level access into the room. There is a waiting space for a wheelchair and a height adjustable desk, which can be manoeuvred into place. Seating is tiered and fixed and there are no arm rests on the chairs. An infra red hearing system is fitted in this room.

Full schedule:

11:00 – Arrive. Coffee and Tea. 


11:30 – 12:30: Gender resistance to Racial Capitalism  

Chair: Owen Atkinson [University of Leeds] 

Garfield Campbell [University of Leeds], ‘Voices from the Margin: Enslaved Women, Agency and Power (Jamaica 1827-1838)’  

Dr. Marika Ceschia [University of Edinburgh], ‘Black Women’s Maternal Praxis: (Re)Writing Black Social Life’ 

Felix Pilgrim [UAL LCC], ‘Cultural Resistance: Pastoral Interlude, Queer in the Country’ 


12:30 – 13:30, Lunch (inc. buffet for speakers)


13:30 – 14:30: Communal Resistances 

Chair: Poonam Sharma [University of Leeds]  

Aditi Basu [Independent], ‘Resisting Racial Capitalism in India: Revival of Cultural Activism in 21st Century Jharkhand’ 

Sephora Jose [Indian Institute of Technology], ‘Livelihood as Resistance: Reading the Materiality of Caste and Anti-Caste Politics’ 


14:30 – 14:45, Break 


14:45 – 15:30: Cultural Resistances 

Chair: Owen Atkinson [University of Leeds]  

Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa [University of Leeds], ‘The Rise of The Hot Girl Aesthetic & Negotiating Double Consciousness in Barbadian Bars’ 

Benedict Welch [University of Sussex], ‘Turning Out with Samuel R Delany: Safe Sex, Risk, Contact’ 


15:30 – 15:45, Break 


15:45 – 16:30: Linguistic Resistance and Praxis  

Chair: Jack Rondeau [University of Leeds]  

Dr. Hayley Toth [University of Newcastle], ‘Collective Practice and the Black Radical Tradition: Staffrider and Community Cultural Production’  

Dr. Kate Spowage [University of Leeds], Language and Revolutionary Praxis 


16:30 – 16:45, Refreshments Break  


17:00 – 18:00, Keynote Speaker 

Chair: Jack Rondeau [University of Leeds] 

Dr. Dhanveer Singh Brar [University of Leeds], ‘Gift & Authority: Ain't No Other Side


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