Lacan Read(s) Across the Disciplines 2012/2013

Our theme for this year is Lacan Read(s) Across the Disciplines. It aims to examine the academic and intellectual work of the psychoanalyst and anti-philosopher Jacques Lacan, whose research and writings intersect disciplines across the Humanities and Social Sciences.  The organizers believe that such an approach is particularly fruitful for quilting together scholars from fields usually considered mutually exclusive, as well as clarify relationships in those disciplines with ambiguous liminality.   

In order to read Lacan reading across the Disciplines, we will critically engage with the texts that influenced his thought and style.  The scope of these texts ranges in genre from literature and poetry across history and medieval studies to philosophy, psychology and anthropology.  Each meeting will focus on a particular essay by Lacan and be introduced by a member of the group; the work of the reading group will be punctuated by four seminar papers presented by leading scholars from around the United Kingdom.


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