Thursday 24th February | 5.30-7.00pm | Maurice Keyworth building room 1.09 & on Zoom

Quilting Points is back for its first meeting of the calendar year and new semester!

We will be reading a section of Chapter 4: Modernity, Terror and Movement from Gilroy's seminal The Black Atlantic; pages 117-124. We are pairing this with an interview between Paul Gilroy and Sindre Bangstad from April 2018 that was part of a series marking the 25th anniversary of the publication of the book for which Gilroy is arguably best known. The interview illuminates some of the ways in which Gilroy offers a diagnosis of the contemporary political climate, as well as reflecting on the importance of his own work throughout the years and in the current moment. 

We will deliver this meeting in a hybrid format over Zoom and on campus in the Maurice Keyworth building, room 1.09. 

To join us online for this meeting and to receive a reminder about the session please email Ghada at to be added to the mailing list, through which you will receive the Zoom link. 


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