"Paul Gilroy: Freedom Struggles" and "Black Lives Matter but slavery isn’t our only narrative"


Thursday 18th November | 5.30pm-7.00pm | Zoom/ Business School Maurice Keyworth SR (1.33) 

We're pleased to announce that our third meeting of the year will pair Surviving Society's Podcast "Paul Gilroy: Freedom Struggles" and an interview between Aretha Phiri and Michelle M Wright "Black Lives Matter but slavery isn’t our only narrative".

"Paul Gilroy: Freedom Struggles" focuses on the discussion of two of Gilroy’s most known texts Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness (1993); and Between Camps: Nations, Cultures and the Allure of Race (2004). This episode of Surviving Society challenges the idea of ‘generic blackness’ in the configuration of plural communities and contemporary black identities."Paul Gilroy: Freedom Struggles" also explores the role which technology plays in the creation of archives. It also addresses the presence of intergenerational gaps which illustrate how different generations have a unique relationship with information and as such, history.

In a similar light, Aretha Phiri and Michelle M Wright’s interview "Black Lives Matter but slavery isn’t our only narrative", challenges the presence of ‘metanarratives’ which do not reflect the diversity and richness of current understandings of blackness. Placing this episode of Surviving Society alongside Aretha Phiri and Michelle M Wright’s discussion will enable us to examine the relevance of Gilroy’s notion of the ‘Black Atlantic’ in the aftermath of the global Black Lives Matter movement.

This meeting will be our second hybrid meeting will be held over Zoom and on campus in 
 Maurice Keyworth building, seminar room 1.33 simultaneously. A campus map can be found here. If you need any assistance accessing either meeting please get in touch 

To join us online for this meeting and to receive a reminder about the session 
please email Ghada at en14gh@leeds.ac.uk to be added to the mailing list, through which you will receive the Zoom link. 


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