#baldwin : Special Guest Seminar with Dr Justin A Joyce

  Thursday 27th May | 5:30-7:00pm BST | Zoom

For our final Quilting Points meeting of the 2020/21 year we are delighted to be joined by special guest speaker Dr Justin A. Joyce!  Dr Joyce is Research Director for President Dwight A. McBride at The New School (NYC) and is the managing editor of the James Baldwin Review.  

After a year of reading Baldwin's work itself, our final session will consider and discuss his enduring legacy and impact on social media, especially on Instagram and Twitter, in regards to Black Lives Matter.  Rather than reading Baldwin, we will be reading a variety of critical voices discussing Baldwin's legacy including Colm Tóibín's 2001 essay 'The Last Witness', Quentin Miller's coda to The Cambridge Companion to James Baldwin (2015) 'The Heart of Baldwin', Eddie S. Glaude Jr.'s 2017 chapter 'James Baldwin and Black Lives Matter', Melanie Walsh's 2018 article 'Tweets of a Native Son', and Justin A. Joyce's 2019 chapter 'The Matter of Black Lives: Baldwin Today'.  (Despite the number of different works here there are not many pages in total so don't feel daunted by the reading!)

As well as discussing the academic work done on the subject of #baldwin, Dr Joyce has suggested that we take a look at a compilation of Instagram posts which were posted with the caption #jamesbaldwin.  This will give us the chance to discuss Baldwin within the context of the last year.  Dr Joyce hopes that attendees of this final session of this Quilting Points season on Baldwin might identify the post that resonates with them the most or that they feel encapsulates Baldwin the best.  This is not meant as a formal exercise but as a casual way of considering how Baldwin's image and words are used in our own time.

Whether you've been to every session, just a few, or if this is your first time joining us to discuss Baldwin, you are all very welcome to our final meeting of this academic year!  By discussing Baldwin's legacy on social media, it will be fruitful to discussion that there are varying levels of familiarity with Baldwin's work in the room.  

If you would like to join us on Thursday 27th May from 5:30-7pm (BST), please email en17jog@leeds.ac.uk for the Zoom invitation link. 


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