#10 – 16/03/17: Patrick Hayden presents "The Heart of Politics: Amor Mundi and Human Plurality"

Before drawing up the constitution of a new body politic, we shall have to create–not merely discover–a new foundation for human community as such.
–Hannah Arendt, concluding remarks to The Origins of Totalitarianism

For our next session we will be joined by Patrick Hayden, Professor of Political Theory and International Relations at St Andrews, who will present his paper "The Heart of Politics: Amor Mundi and Human Plurality". Prof. Hayden has published widely on Arendt, including: a monograph, Political Evil in a Global Age: Hannah Arendt and International Theory (2010), an edited collection, Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts (2014), and numerous articles and chapters, the most recent of which explores Arendt, refugees, and world-making. Hayden's other publications include Camus and the Challenge of Political Thought: Between Despair and Hope (2016) and the co-authored Recognition and Global Politics: Critical Encounters between State and World (2015).

**Please note that we are meeting at the earlier time of 3-5pm.**

Where?: Botany House, 1.03
When?: Thursday 16th March, 3-5pm
Primary reading: Chapters 12, 13, and Appendix from The Origins of Totalitarianism. PDF here.


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