#4 – 17/11/2016: The Origins of Totalitarianism (1): A Classless Society

'It was characteristic of the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany and of the Communist movements in Europe after 1930 that they recruited their members from this mass of apparently indifferent people whom all other parties had given up as too apathetic or too stupid for their attention.'
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Next week's meeting is particularly topical given the results of the US election. 
It will be the first of our two sessions on The Origins of Totalitarianism, and will focus on one of the key 'origins' that Arendt identifies: the aspiration towards a classless society. Join us for a thought provoking, and perhaps cathartic, discussion.

Where?: LHRI, Seminar Room 1 
When?: Thursday 17th November, 5-7pm
Primary reading: Hannah Arendt, 'A Classless Society?', in The Origins of Totalitarianism. Click here for PDF
Secondary reading: both prefaces to The Origins of Totalitarianism. Click here for PDF


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