A Gramscian Model for Race Studies

When: 4:30 - 6:30 pm, Thursday 5 May
Where: LHRI Seminar Room 2, 29–31 Clarendon Place (map)

Main Text 1: Hall (1986): Gramsci's Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity Click here
Main Text 2: Liv Sovik (2015): Stuart Hall and Writing Structured Like Music Click here

The Quilting Points reading group continues reading Stuart Hall through the theoretical models that informed his work.

This session considers two perspectives on Hall's studies on race and ethnicity: Hall's own words on how he adapted a Gramscian model to race studies and Liv Sovik's recent article on adapting Hall's work to studies of race in the postcolonial Caribbean. 

Everyone is welcome to attend. We hope for a lively discussion!



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