
Showing posts from March, 2025

Edward Said Session 4: Culture and Imperialism

  Dear all, We are happy to announce that the fourth  Quilting   Points  reading group session of this academic year will take place on March 20th. In this session, we will discuss ideas of culture and resistance through   Said’s  Culture and Imperialism  (1993), focusing on its Introduction and on the fourth subchapter of Chapter 3: ‘The Voyage In and the Emergence of Opposition’. You can access the selected reading  here . As an optional (but very helpful!) secondary reading, we also invite attendants to read a text by one of the theorists of culture that Said is engaging with in  Culture and Imperialism : Raymond Williams’s 1958 essay  ‘Culture is Ordinary’.   Important: We will have a 20-minute break for Iftar at around 6:20 pm so that attendants observing Ramadan have the chance to break fast. This means that we will be starting at 17:30 sharp to ensure that we leave enough time for discussion. Everyone is welcome to bring thei...