Reading Sylvia Wynter

We are very pleased to announce the return of interdisciplinary critical and cultural theory reading group Quilting Points for its eleventh consecutive year! This year we will be reading and discussing the work of Jamaican writer and cultural theorist Sylvia Wynter. Wynter's extensive oeuvre includes fiction, drama, theory and criticism which, through a deeply anti-colonial lens, disrupts and reimagines Western conceptions of what it means to be human. Run by postgraduate researchers in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Cultures, your directors this year are Freddie Coombes, Marika Ceschia, and Ellie Wakeford. This year's meetings will take place in-person, with our first meeting of the year taking place on 22nd November. More details coming soon. We can't wait to see you all there! Image: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Photographs and Prints Division, The New York Public Library.