Announcement: special guest speaker session - 12th May

We are very excited to announce our next session of Quilting Points which will take place on Thursday 12th of May, 5.30-7.00pm. The session will take place both in-person and on zoom (details of room to follow). For this special guest speaker session we extend a particularly warm welcome to Professor John McLeod whose recent book Lifelines: Writing Transcultural Adoption (Bloomsbury, 2015) is the first critical study to explore narratives of transcultural adoption from contemporary Britain, Ireland, and America. Professor McLeod will introduce Paul Gilroy's foreword to the edited collection In The Best Interests of the Child: Culture, Identity, and Transracial Adoption (ed. by Ivor Gaber & Jane Aldridge, Free Association Books, 1994) , situating it within the field of adoption studies and speaking to its significance. This will be followed by a lively discussion as usual that all are welcome to contribute to. Everyone is very welcome to join us for what promises to...