The Fire Next Time and The Fire This Time

29th October | 5:30-7:00pm | Microsoft Teams For this session, we will be continuing our reading of James Baldwin’s essay ‘Down at The Cross’, from his collection The Fire Next Time (1963). We will be picking up from page 47 and reading through to the end of the essay. In this section, Baldwin continues his discussion of religion, specifically Nation of Islam, and considers the future of race relations in the US. As complementary reading, we have chosen Jesmyn Ward’s introduction to The Fire This Time (2016), a book of essays and poetry that responds to Baldwin. In this short introduction, Ward describes her reaction to the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012, as well as her relationship with Baldwin’s work. As this is slightly more reading than we would normally set, don’t worry if you struggle to read everything before the meeting! The meeting will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and is open to anyone with an email address ...