
Showing posts from January, 2019

#5: Frames of War 23/01/2019

Wednesday 23 January | 5 - 6.30pm | LHRI | All welcome  A Happy New(ish) Year from Quilting Points! We have a few changes to announce. Firstly, our sessions will now take place on Wednesday evenings (23 January, 13 February, 6 March and 27 March). Secondly, and more excitingly, this semester’s programme includes the following two special events: Film Screening , 27 February: Paris Is Burning (a collaboration with Leeds Cineforum) Guest Seminar , 27 March: Griselda Pollock on Anne Emmanuelle Berger’s The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identities, Sexualities, and the Theatre of Gender The first session of the semester will take place on Wednesday 23 January.  We will be reading from Butler’s ‘ Torture and the Ethics of Photography: Thinking with Sontag’ from  Frames of War (2009). Written as a critical response to Sontag’s On Regarding the Pain of Others, the essay uses the Abu Ghraib torture photographs to ask whether Sontag is correct to argue that photo...