5: Guest Seminar with Dr. Nicholas Ray (and wine!)

11 Dec | 5.00-7:00 pm | Seminar Room 1, 3:01, Clothworkers South Building We are excited to announce that our fifth session of the year, and final session of the Autumn term, will be lead by Dr. Nicholas Ray. Dr Ray is a lecturer in Critical and Cultural theory at the University of Leeds, with expertise in Freudian and post-Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the intersections of psychoanalysis and culture, and translation. In particular, Dr. Ray's research has been, and continues to be, influenced by the writings of French psychoanalyst Jean Laplanche. In this special session, Dr. Ray will guide our discussion of a chapter from Kristeva's Étrangers à nous-mêmes (1988), translated into English as Strangers to Ourselves (1991). In this text Kristeva tackles the figure of the stranger - the foreigner or alien in a land not their own, as well as the strangeness within the self. We will also be reading ' Hostipitality ' (2000) by Jacques Derrida, in which he consid...