#1: 'Gender and Identity' - 04/10/2018

#1: 'Gender and Identity' 04/10/2018 Thursday 4 October | 5 - 6.30pm | LHRI: Room 1 | All Welcome F or our first session of the academic year we will be discussing Judith Butler's ideas around gender and identity as explor ed in her essay " Performance Acts and Gender Constitution " and in the " Conclusion " of G ender Trouble . (Pdfs downloadable on links above). In 'Performance Acts and Gender Constitution’ Butler distills her early conception of gender performativity. She advances the idea that gender is a verb not a noun, created through repeated acts. She connects this process to the regulation of a binary gender system which is necessitated and produced by “compulsory heterosexuality.” In the ‘Conclusion’ of Gender Trouble she revisits these arguments in relation to subjectivity, identity politics and agency. We look forward to hearing your ideas! Thursday 4 October | 5 - 6.30pm | Leeds Humanities Research Institute, 29 - 31 Cla...