#3 – 03/11/2016: The Human Condition (2): Action

Hannah Arendt, with few illusions, invites us to think about and live [life] in the present, of course, but always with forgiveness and promise that are the very basis of an optimal political action - Julia Kristeva, Hannah Arendt: Life is a Narrative For our third meeting we'll take a closer look at Arendt's The Human Condition , focusing on how her concept of "Action" is imagined as that which can revitalise the public sphere. #3 The Human Condition (2): Action, 03/11/2016, 5–7pm Primary reading: Hannah Arendt, excerpts from 'Action', The Human Condition (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1998), pp. 220-247. Click here for PDF . Location: LHRI, Seminar Room 1