Foucault contra Hall: What is critique?

When : 4:30pm Thursday 24th March Where : LHRI Seminar Room 2, 29–31 Clarendon Place ( map ) Main Text 1 : Foucault (1970) What is critique? ( download ) Main Text 2 : Kendall & Wickham (1999) Using Foucault's methods (short extract) ( download ) Supplementary Text : Hall (1988) The toad in the garden ( download ) The Quilting Points reading group continues reading Stuart Hall through the theorists who informed his thought. In this session we will look at Hall's reading of Foucault, but rather than heap praise on either we will look to the tensions between them. In the first text, Foucault sets out his understanding of critique; where it came from, what it is made of, and why it is valuable. In the second text—a short extract—Foucauldian scholars Kendall & Wickham take Hall to task on his interpretation of Foucault and his use in cultural studies. In the supplementary text, Hall points to what he sees as weaknesses in Foucault's treatment of the State...